Adopt a Road

Bothered by litter on the roadside? Looking for a way to volunteer? Join Adopt-A-Road!


As a part of Keep Rowlett Beautiful, Adopt-A-Road is a wonderful opportunity to teach others about citizenship, improve your community, and have a great time! The Adopt-a-Road program provides teams of all kinds: families, clubs, co-workers, and civic organizations, the opportunity to help beautify their community by volunteering to collect litter alongside Rowlett streets. It’s an easy way for groups to help the community, prevent pollution, and receive recognition for their work. Litter is unsightly and costly to taxpayers. Volunteering for litter pick-up builds community and group pride, visibly improves your local environment, and saves taxpayer money!

How can I get involved?

  • Complete an application for the Adopt-A-Road Program.

What am I required to do?

  • Schedule cleanup dates at least five (4) times per year for a minimum of two (2) years
  • Filling out the Request Supplies Form at least five (5) business days before the scheduled collection date.
  • Collect litter along both sides of your adopted street or section of the street.
  • Complete and submit a Cleanup Report Form.

Who may I contact for more information?

Jerry Hickman
Keep Rowlett Beautiful, Inc.
Adopt-A-Road Coordinator
972-463-3929 | Office
214-490-9727 | Cell

Let’s work together and Keep Rowlett Beautiful!